In a large bowl put dry ingredients like almond flour 2 cups, baking powder 2 teaspoons, cinnamon powder 1 teaspoon, cardamom powder 1 teaspoon, and a pinch of salt mix well together. Now take another bowl and add 3 eggs and beat them, add melted butter ½ cup mix them, now add keto-friendly sweetener ( stevia) 1 cup, whip them and add 1 cup pumpkin puree, mix it and add dry ingredients in wet ingredients. Preheat the oven and grease the pan with butter and pour the mixture in the pan.Sprinkle the walnuts on the top and bake it for 30-40 minutes until it becomes light golden brown. Use a toothpick to check whether the cake is cooked completely or not, if the toothpick comes out dry it shows the cake is completely baked. Allow it to chill and serve it with cream cheese frosting or nuts.