Take 2-3 medium zucchini, and cut in a round or fry shape as shown in the picture. Take a bowl and whisk 1 egg in it. Take another bowl and add dry ingredients like bread crumbs (½ cup), grinned Parmesan cheese (¼ cup), salt(½ T spoon), black pepper (¼ T spoon), Garlic powder (¼ T spoon), paprika (¼ T spoon), oregano (¼ T spoon). Now dip the sliced zucchini in an egg bowl. After this, roll them in the dry mixture of the second bowl so that it becomes coated with dry mixture. Preheat the oven baking sheet, apply olive oil on it and put quoted zucchini fries on it. Bake for 20-25 minutes until it becomes brown. Garnish it with basal leaves and serve it with ketchup or mayonnaise.