These muffins are very healthy and easy to make at home. First take olive oil in a pan and add 1 cup chopped mushrooms and cook them for 5 minutes until dried completely and become golden. Add chopped spinach 1 cup, now cook it again for 2 minutes till it becomes soft. Now mix dry ingredients in a large bowl i.e. 1 cup almond flour, baking powder 1 teaspoon, black pepper and salt to taste, garlic and onion powder ½ teaspoon each. Now mix these dry ingredients. Now take wet ingredients in another bowl, 3 large eggs, ¼ cup olive oil, now whisk them properly. Now add dry ingredients in wet ingredients and mix them. Add cooked spinach, mushrooms, nuts and seeds in this mixture.The nuts and seeds are added according to one’s own choice. For example almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds. Preheat the oven and add the muffin batter in a tin, add some seeds and nuts on the top of the muffin batter and bake for 20-25 minutes. Use a toothpick to check it if it is completely cooked or not. Prick the toothpick deeply if it comes out wet it needs to be cooked more. Now let it cool and serve it with unsweetened coffee.